Brick Dormitory Charles Duncan McIver State Normal and Industrial School Sue May Kirkland

The First Day of Class at State Normal, ca. 1892

When a current UNC Greensboro student walks down College Avenue, they see quite a different campus than an earlier student would have experienced. On October 5, 1892, the State Normal and Industrial School welcomed 176 students to the new girls college. There were only three building on the grounds – Main Building (now Foust), Brick […]

Brick Dormitory Epps & Hackett Foust Building Main Building Richardsonian Romanesque Romanesque Revival Students' Building Thomas Woodroffe

Romanesque Revival Architecture on the State Normal Campus

When plans were made public that The State Normal and Industrial School (now UNCG) was to be built in Greensboro, North Carolina, many architects were considered to design the primary campus buildings. Ultimately, it was decided that the firm of Epps & Hackett of Greensboro would construct the two main buildings in the Romanesque Revival […]

Brick Dormitory commencement fire founding State Normal and Industrial School symbols university bell

Ringing “Glad Tidings”: A History of the University Bell

On October 5, 1892, when the doors of the State Normal and Industrial School officially opened for instruction, the women enrolled were called to classes by the chiming of the University Bell. Originally, the bell stood near the location of the current Alumni House. It was used wake students in the morning, call them to […]

architecture Brick Dormitory campus buildings Charles D. McIver founding McIver House State Normal and Industrial School wooden dormitory

The Lost Architecture of UNCG, part 1

At the time of its opening in 1892, the State Normal and Industrial School (now UNCG) consisted primarily of four buildings: two dormitories, a “main building,” and the president’s house. Smaller outbuildings existed, but these four structures served as the heart of campus activity. Today, only the Main Building — renamed the Foust Building in […]

Brick Dormitory fire State Normal and Industrial School

The Brick Dormitory Fire of 1904

The State Normal and Industrial College (now UNCG) faced a number of challenges in its infancy. An 1899-1900 typhoid fever outbreak killed 13 students and one staff member. Then, in the early hours of January 20, 1904, a massive fire consumed Brick Dormitory, one of the original campus buildings and the largest dormitory on campus. […]
