Chancellor Patricia Sullivan Chancellor William Moran Green Spaces Peabody Park President Charles Duncan McIver RISE School of Music Building Wetlands

“A Noble Idea:” The History of Peabody Park (Part Three)

Have you ever wondered how and why UNCG has such a beautiful green space on the northern edge of its campus?  Well, the founding and development of Peabody Park is a fascinating story that reflects UNCG’s overall growth as a center of higher learning and a Greensboro neighbor.  Given the complexity of the story, the Park’s history […]

Charles Duncan McIver golf golf course Green Spaces Julius Foust May Day May Day Queen Otis Singletary Park Night Peabody Park Recreation UNCG

“A Noble Idea” The History of Peabody Park (Part Two)

Have you ever wondered how UNCG acquired such a beautiful green space on the northern edge of its campus?  Well, the founding and development of Peabody Park is a fascinating story that reflects UNCG’s overall growth as a center of higher learning and a Greensboro neighbor.  Given the complexity of the story, the Park’s history is being […]

Dr. Anna Gove George Foster Peabody Green Spaces Peabody Park Recreation State Normal and Industrial School UNCG

“A Noble Idea:” The History of Peabody Park (Part One)

Take a look at a campus map.  What strikes you about the physical layout of the school and its use of green spaces?  It is a campus that is filled with looping walkways, clusters of enormous oaks and pines, manicured gathering places, secluded benches and gardens, and pristine playing fields.  The largest open space at […]
