campus buildings Chancellor William Moran Julius Foust rules and regulations Smoking

Thank you for NOT smoking: A history of smoking on the campus of UNCG

The history of tobacco in the United States is synonymous with the history of North Carolina. North Carolina’s tobacco ventures date to the early 16th century, with the arrival of the first English settlers and the crop has long played a key role in the development of the state’s business and agriculture heritage. Major tobacco […]

Board of Trustees Chancellor Patricia Sullivan Chancellor William Moran Dean Arthur Tollefson Music Building Peabody Park School of Music Building

Bringing Music to Peabody Park

If you have ever walked the length of College Ave (in the direction of Market Street), you will eventually find yourself crossing a metal and concrete bridge. The structure and placement of the bridge creates for the walker the illusion of floating through and above a wooded section of Peabody Park. As you pass through […]

Chancellor Patricia Sullivan Chancellor William Moran Green Spaces Peabody Park President Charles Duncan McIver RISE School of Music Building Wetlands

“A Noble Idea:” The History of Peabody Park (Part Three)

Have you ever wondered how and why UNCG has such a beautiful green space on the northern edge of its campus?  Well, the founding and development of Peabody Park is a fascinating story that reflects UNCG’s overall growth as a center of higher learning and a Greensboro neighbor.  Given the complexity of the story, the Park’s history […]

100th Anniversary Time Capsule Anniversary Box Chancellor William Moran Robert E. (Trey) Sharp

The 100th Anniversary Time Capsule

This is part three of a three-part blog regarding campus time capsules. A time capsule contains commemorative material for access at a future date. There have been four known time capsules in the history of The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG). The 100th Anniversary Time Capsule Almost immediately after the fiftieth year “Anniversary Box” was opened in October of […]
