bars Business College Hill music stores student life Tate Street

Tate Street: Evolving to serve a changing community

Tate Street, UNCG’s original “campus strip” was originally two streets: Tate Street north of Walker Avenue and Lithia Street to the south. By 1923, when most of the area’s commercial development was beginning, both sections shared the same name. The shopping area was targeted at a pedestrian population and included chain grocery stores such as […]

Business Commercial Class Commercial Department E.J. Forney Secretarial Administration

Commercial Department: Training for the Business World

UNCG at its opening in 1892 was known as the State Normal and Industrial School — “normal” referring to training for teaching and “industrial” referring to training for other work. A “Business Department” was among the founding departments of the school. This department is described in the institution’s first course catalog: “The business or commercial […]
