education North Carolina political advocacy service State Normal and Industrial School Woman's Betterment Association

State Normal and the Woman’s Betterment Association

by Erin Lawrimore In the late 1800s, the state of education in North Carolina was bleak. The illiteracy rate was 36% (compared to 14% nationwide). Per pupil spending on education was one of the lowest in the nation, and the average teacher’s salary was less than $24 per month – about half the national average. […]

Beauty Queen May Day May Queen Peabody Park

Campus May Queens

Each year that a May Day celebration was held on campus, a May Queen was elected. From the biggest festivals of 1912 and 1916 to the final year of 1954, a May Queen was present. She was typically a senior elected by her classmates who served as the mascot of the event and in the […]

May Day May Day Parade May Day Queen State Normal and Industrial College

Early May Day Parades

For the first fifty years, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG) celebrated May Day.  May Day revels were based on ideas of Renaissance England, where the first day of May signified the end of winter. Traditional May Day fetes were filled with activities such as decorating a May Pole, crowning a queen, and […]

Brick Dormitory commencement fire founding State Normal and Industrial School symbols university bell

Ringing “Glad Tidings”: A History of the University Bell

On October 5, 1892, when the doors of the State Normal and Industrial School officially opened for instruction, the women enrolled were called to classes by the chiming of the University Bell. Originally, the bell stood near the location of the current Alumni House. It was used wake students in the morning, call them to […]
