Jackson Library

A Doughnut for All Ages

The Doughnut as of 2014 Hidden deep within W.C. Jackson Library, secreted away from the public thoroughfares, there is The Doughnut. It is a 40 year old doughnut. Miraculously, The Doughnut has resisted corruption for over four decades. Each year, between fifty to seventy-five people pilgrimage to view this venerable confection, and such visits are […]

big band Darlinettes music Rhythmettes School of Music Woman's College World War II

Darlinettes and Rhythmettes: Big Band Sounds at the WC

In 1942, big band music from the likes of Glenn Miller, Artie Shaw, and Benny Goodman were all the rage, but local big bands were hard to find. Most of the musicians in these groups were male, and they were being drafted into military service during World War II. But a group of students at […]

coeducation men students UNCG

Celebrating 50 Years of Coeducation at UNCG

On July 1, 1963, the North Carolina State Legislature officially renamed Woman’s College to The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, and the decision was made that all UNC system schools would now be co-educational. But male undergraduates did not immediately arrive on the Greensboro campus. Instead, it was not until the following Fall that […]

Edwin Alderman founding State Normal and Industrial School

Edwin Alderman and the founding of the State Normal and Industrial School

Edwin Alderman, ca. 1892 While Dr. Charles Duncan McIver is credited with being the founder of the State Normal and Industrial School (now The University of North Carolina at Greensboro), the contribution and influence that his good friend, Edwin Alderman had on its creation cannot be overlooked. Born in May 1861, Alderman attended the University […]

Elliott Hall Inter-Faith Council religion Religious Activities Center Religious Emphasis Week Woman's College

Religious Activities at the WC

“In all the days of our years as a college, we have been mindful of the fact that, although a State institution and thereby bound by the American tradition of separation of Church and State, religion has a place of supreme importance in the life of every individual. Believing that a college carries the responsibility, […]
