German Julius Foust World War I

German Instruction at State Normal during World War I, part two

In last week’s blog post, we looked at the history of German language instruction at State Normal (now UNCG) as well as the growing anti-German sentiment in Greensboro and across the United States after the U.S. officially entered World War I in April 1917. This week, we will look more closely at how the war […]

German World War I

German Instruction at State Normal During World War I, part one

Our colleagues in University Archives at UNC Chapel Hill recently wrote a great blog post about a parent who, in 1918, was upset that his son was required to have two years of German courses before registering for a chemical engineering class. This letter from the parent to UNC President Edward Kidder Graham (father of later […]

Aycock Auditorium Dramatic Association of North Carolina College for Women Dramatic Club Masqueraders Playlikers Raymond Taylor Taylor Theatre UNCG auditorium

The Rise of Campus Dramatics (Part III): The Raymond Taylor Years

Raymond Taylor The most significant event to happen to early campus dramatics was the arrival of Raymond Taylor, who joined the English Department in 1921 as a professor of speech. He would go on to become the school’s Director of Drama for the next thirty years. Taylor was a very qualified hire, having a Bachelor’s […]

adelphian society cornelian society Dramatics Mary Settle Sharpe May Day State Normal and Industrial College Sue May Kirkland The Little Minister To Arms for Liberty Wade Brown

The Rise of Campus Dramatics (Part II): Plays and Pageants

While the earliest campus presentations were staged as entertainment for visits by state dignitaries, increasingly, other sources of student entertainment began to sprout up at the State Normal and Industrial School (now The University of North Carolina at Greensboro). Recitals were planned by music professor Wade Brown, who also assisted the campus Literary Societies in […]


Happy Holidays!

The staff of the Martha Blakeney Hodges Special Collections and University Archives wishes everyone a happy holiday season! We’re taking a break this week, but please join us on Monday, January 9th for a new Spartan Story. Santa and his Christmas Tree, a tableau performance by the Cornelian Literary Society in 1913 By Erin Lawrimore
