aviation Dr. Anna J. Reardon physics Woman's College

WC Takes to the Skies

In the Fall 1946 course catalog, the Physics Department at Woman’s College added a new class to its curriculum. “Elements of Aeronautics” allowed WC students to not only understand the principles of aeronautics but to actually learn how to fly from instructors from the Hawthorne Flying Service at the Greensboro-High Point airport (now the Piedmont […]

Charles D. McIver founding Greensboro Richard Stanhope Pullen Robert T. Gray State Normal and Industrial School

Greensboro Got the Girls … Now Where Do We Put Them?

In last week’s Spartan Story, we looked at the decision to name Greensboro as the site for North Carolina’s newly-created State Normal and Industrial School. Greensboro citizens were happy and excited — while those in other towns also in contention for the institution were not so pleased. Greensboro won the right to host the new […]

founding Greensboro State Normal and Industrial School

Greensboro Gets the Girls!

On February 18, 1891, the General Assembly of North Carolina passed an act that officially established a “normal and industrial school for white girls.” This act appropriated $10,000 per year for maintenance of the school, but not for buildings, land, or other facilities. In fact, the act stated that “the institution shall be located … […]
